Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year!

O Magic 8 Ball
Please tell me...
What will 2017
Have in store for me?
(shakes ball)

Greetings!  As an author, I frequently make New Year's Resolutions, and I also set monthly goals for myself.  The past two years, LIFE has kicked my butt, but now that I'm no longer homeschooling my youngest and we've moved to a new home, I'm hoping things will settle down and return to some sort of 'normalcy'.  Yes, I was arrogant enough to think I could both home school a 5th grader AND write three full-length novels at the same time.

Not Quite.

I did mange to write two of them, but one was finished over Christmas Break and the second one during the month of June, finishing it the day before my deadline.  The third has been stalled on Ch. 5 for a year now.

I'll admit, I've only reached four of the nine goals I set for myself last year:
-Finish writing Heart Song  (no; still working on it)
-Publish KiRah and write RiKar's book (not yet)
-Get my youngling through the 5th grade (Yes!)
-Lose and keep off 10 pounds (Only lost 5)
-Buy a banner and more promo (No banner, but did get new business cards!)
-Attend as many signings as I can, including Writers on the River (July) and Book Blast (September) (Yes)
-Attend Weekend in Nashville, including some sight-seeing (Yes!)
-Get out of this house (Yes; moved into new one in November)
-Weekly Karaoke:  Reach the 'M' songs and maybe even more (Not yet; still on 'L' titles)
-Stay with the blogging (No; only blog 5 times a month.)

So What Are My Goals For 2017?
-Finish writing Heart Song
-Publish #4 of my Sci-Fi Rom series and write #5
-Get books #1-6 of my Arbor University Tales (Women's Fiction) series in print
-Successfully help my 6th grader bring up his grades in Math, Social Studies, and Language Arts
-Lose another 5 lbs or more
-Cut back on signings; instead of 14 like last year, only do six which cost money, and a few local ones which are free.
-Organize my basement office
-As for the karaoke songs, well, I'd like to maybe hit the 'P' titles?  I'm beginning the year still on the 'Love' titles.  I'm thinking there may not be many 'N' or 'O' titles.  I could be wrong.

So what does YOUR Magic 8 Ball have in store for you?

"Future is cloudy; try again later."

Happy New Year!!!

PS:  2016 was a HORRIBLE year for celebrity deaths; let's keep the remaining ones safe in 2017?? 

RIP George Michael
       Carrie Fisher
       Debbie Reynolds
       William Christopher (Fr. Mulchahy from M*A*S*H)
       All passed Dec 25th-31st.

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