Friday, August 10, 2012

Flashback Friday

Aug 1972:
Back to school!  I was relieved when Mom took me in to register for school; I would be going on to 1st grade.  I didn't want the dreaded Mrs. Shelby; the older kids had warned us about her, saying she was mean.  I ended up with Mrs. Beers, and forgive me; I only remember bits and pieces of that year.  Thanks to Mom's photo album, I've taken a few notes of certain holidays, so hopefully I'll be able to fill in some blanks!

We did get a new bus driver that year, and new 'bus stops' were established.  I was fortunate to live next door to mine, so I knew when the bus went up our street, I had about five minutes to gather my things and get to my friend T's driveway.

Present Day:
I'm doing well on book #6's self-edits, and am gearing up for next week's Fish Fry.  I've not been back in this particular town since 2008; I hope people are happy to see us.

Currently Reading:
Finished re-reading Through Shattered Light, and enjoyed it as much as I did the first time!  It's a Recommended Read, if you didn't see the recommendation the first time around.  Now, on to Sisters In Time by Ginger Simpson:)

Not sure if I'm going home this weekend, or if Mom wants to keep me around until next Thursday.  Guess you'll find out Monday:)

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