Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday Mania

Currently Reading: Still haven't started Love Slave For Two by Tymber Dalton. It was too hectic last week. I'm going out of town on Wednesday, so I'll be able to relax and read a bit.

So I introduced myself to the friendly people of Illinois. One person bought Love Finds A Way...twice.

Let me explain. She arrived at my booth while I was showing off my e-reader to a relative, and piped up, "I have one of those!"

I high-fived her and the conversation continued. She browsed around, looked at LFAW and left. Soon she was back, wanting the print copy AND the CD I'd made way back when. I told her it wasn't the official galley, with no cover, but she said she didn't care. I sent her off with my business card, and told her if she wasn't satisfied with the CD to email me, and I'd send her a better version.

That was on Friday.

Saturday, temps soared into the mid-90's. People showed up for the parade, wandered around, and left. I talked to several people, mostly those who were interested in Sandra Cox's book or the 'I've always thought about writing a book; how did you get started?' ones. I did encourage the more serious ones to come to our writer's group. And encouraged a young poet to follow her publishing dreams.

The Book Mobile was there, and the lady was thrilled to know there were four published authors in the general area. She took my contact information and may secure us a speaking engagement. I told her three of us (and maybe the fourth; haven't seen him for a few weeks) would be thrilled to talk about our road to publication, or how to get started.

At closing time, I felt my body going beyond simply hot. I thought I'd be fine once I was in the van with the a/c on...but after loading up and driving one block, something told me if I didn't get my body temp down, I was going to pass out. So instead of turning right and heading home, I turned left and pulled into Hardee's. I ordered a sweet tea, sat in the coldest booth I could find, and finished reading Anny's Carnal Camelot. Two other vendors came in and greeted me, and we talked shop for a while. Forty-five minutes and two cups of sweet tea later, I started feeling chilly. The other vendors were cooled off as well, so we all walked out together.

MIL Still Hospitalized
She's not looking so good. We've got a meeting with Hospice later this morning. My SU sat with her a lot over the weekend, and she kept telling him she loved him; she also made several comments about not knowing how much more she could take; and at one point, asked 'Do you like me?'

When he replied, "Yes, Mom. You know I like you!", she told him she wasn't asking him.

My great-grandmother passed away in 1998, and my mother reported Grandma talked to her as if she was talking to her own mother. So I suspect something similar is happening.

Come back tomorrow for an interesting interview with Sean McLachlan, travel author:)

1 comment:

barbara huffert said...

Hugs for your MIL. Is she suffering? Is it time to tell her it's okay to go? Sorry. I shouldn't suggest that but I really don't like to hear of people in pain or their loved ones having to watch it.

So cool on the possibility of a speaking engagement. Have I mentioned lately that I'm proud of you and so honored to know you?